For Employees
Dealing with unlawful acts at the workplace can be devastating. You can stand to lose everything you have worked at achieving:
your reputation, your livelihood, your peace of mind, your future and all the hard work you have done up until now. These moments are the ones that will define your life.
It takes a lot of courage to stand up for yourself. However, it is something you ought to do. If you don’t, the other side will think that you have no objections and things will often get worse before they get any better.
Your organization may not want to side with you because it is too costly to do so, there is a culture of corruption, or they think they’ll get away with it.
Your reputation is the most important valuable asset you have and you must defend it at all costs. Your employer could potentially wreck your reputation by engaging in the following actions:
- indicating that you are not competent to do your job
- siding with the wrong party in a harassment claim
- failing to promote you
Obtaining a remedy is critical for the following reasons:
- this is your opportunity to be vindicated and save your reputation
- this is your opportunity to be made whole
- you have an opportunity to correct your company’s wrongful practices and potentially save others
Contact Foglight Law
Serving LA and OC areas
(626) 869-8785